If you plug the unit in while vMix is running, you may need to restart vMix to recognize the Control Surface is connected. When using the Control Surface, it must be plugged in prior to opening vMix in order to be recognized. The lights should flash briefly indicating the unit is receiving power over the USB connection. Plug in USB cable from vMix Control Surface to Computer. VMix Control Surface is compatible with all installations of vMix version 15 and beyond. Once installed, verify you have the latest version of vMix. Run the installer and accept the prompts to install.

The following is a User Guide that describes the capabilities of each of the buttons and controls. VMix Control Surface is an optional hardware control surface for vMix that connects via USB. This documentation is for reference by existing users only.

Using the control surface allows additional personnel to handle titles, graphics, replays and other show tasks while the operator continues to switch the show. For customized control, there are user-assignable function buttons that can be set to vMix shortcuts, including complex macro-styled trigger events. It also offer four downstream keyer buttons to quickly active overlays, as well as a T-bar for smooth transitions between sources.

It features 12 backlit program, preview, and overlay buttons that are numbered to match the source numbers that appear within the vMix interface. The Acme vMix Control Surface adds tactile controls and a traditional production switching interface to any system running vMix software.